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Right To Know Information
Any requests to the School District under the Right to Know Law should be addressed to the Agency Open Records Officer as follows:
Mr. Brandon Mirizio
9 Donation Road
Greenville, PA 16125
Click for Pennsylvania Open Records Website
Budget and Finance
Welcome to the Greenville Area School District. The purpose of this page is to provide a wide variety of up to date school finance facts and useful data to members of the Greenville community about our school district’s programs and financial performance.
The School District was formed in 1810 and includes the Borough of Greenville and the Townships of Hempfield and Sugar Grove. The District provides primary and secondary education services in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and operates under an elected nine (9) member Board of Directors. A joint venture with ten (10) other districts to operate the Mercer County Career Center was created to provide vocational and technical training to interested students.
The School District operates on a fiscal year which begins on July 1 through June 30. An operating budget is adopted each year for the general fund on the modified accrual basis of accounting. Included in the general fund budget are program budgets as prescribed by the state and federal agencies funding the program.
Please take time to explore our web page, get acquainted with our operations and become involved in ensuring the success of all students. If you should have any questions concerning the information presented here, feel free to contact the Business Office at (724) 588-2502, extension 2304.
The School District was formed in 1810 and includes the Borough of Greenville and the Townships of Hempfield and Sugar Grove. The District provides primary and secondary education services in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and operates under an elected nine (9) member Board of Directors. A joint venture with ten (10) other districts to operate the Mercer County Career Center was created to provide vocational and technical training to interested students.
The School District operates on a fiscal year which begins on July 1 through June 30. An operating budget is adopted each year for the general fund on the modified accrual basis of accounting. Included in the general fund budget are program budgets as prescribed by the state and federal agencies funding the program.
Please take time to explore our web page, get acquainted with our operations and become involved in ensuring the success of all students. If you should have any questions concerning the information presented here, feel free to contact the Business Office at (724) 588-2502, extension 2304.